We consider returning profits to our shareholders as a management priority. Our basic policy is to strengthen returns stably and continuously.
Dividend History (Dividends per Share)

Receiving dividends via bank transfer can prevent you from forgetting to receive them. When switching to bank transfer, shareholders with general accounts (those who deposited in the Japan Securities Depository Center (JASDEC) before the electronic stock certificate system was implemented) shall apply to their securities company, and shareholders with special accounts (those who did not deposit in the JASDEC before the electronic stock certificate system was implemented) shall apply to Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation. Please submit the paperwork for this change so that it reaches our shareholder registry administrator, Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation, via the securities company before our closing date (May 31) and before the interim dividend record date (November 30).
Period of Dividend Payment
As our closing date is in May, we send the dividend payment documents to our shareholders on the following dates.
Interim Dividends
Period of Sending the Documents: Mid-February
Payment Period: February–March
Surplus (End of Period)
Period of Sending the Documents: They will be sent with the resolution notice of the General Meeting of Shareholders in late August
Payment Period: August–September