To show our gratitude for shareholders who purchase or own our stocks, we offer the following Shareholder Benefit Program.

We have decided to partially modify our shareholder benefits program effective from the reference date of May 31st, 2024, with the aim of improving shareholder satisfaction.

Current Shareholder Benefit Program

Shareholders Eligible for Shareholder Benefits

Shareholders who have an address in Japan, are listed or recorded in the final shareholders' register as of the last day of May every year, and hold one unit (100 shares) or more.

Shareholder Benefits

Based on the number of shares held, please select one product from each course in the product catalog.

Number of shares held

Shareholder product

100–299 Stocks

A course

300–999 Stocks

B course

Over 1,000 Stocks

C course

FY2023 Shareholder Benefits Information Brochure

Vesting Date

May 31st

Shipment of the Catalog

We send out the catalogs around late August every year.

Vesting of Shareholder Benefits

You need to be listed or registered on the last shareholder registry at the end of May every year. Please note that you need to purchase the stocks within three working days before the vesting date.

Shareholder Benefit Program from May 2024

Shareholders Eligible for Shareholder Benefits

Shareholders who have an address in Japan, are listed or recorded in the final shareholders' register as of the last day of May every year, and hold one unit (100 shares) or more and have held the shares for one year or more.*1

  • *

    1 The period from the first registration with the same shareholder number in the shareholder register must be at least one year as of the end of May, the date of vesting.

Shareholder Benefits

Based on the number of shares held, please select one product from each course in the product catalog.

Stock holding period

Number of shares held
less than 1 year

Number of shares held
1-5 years

Number of shares held
5 years or more*2

100–299 Stocks

A course

B course

300–999 Stocks

B course

C course

Over 1,000 Stocks

C course

D course

  • *

    2 The period since the shareholder register was registered for the first time with the same shareholder number must be 5 years or more as of the last day of May, the vesting date.

FY2024 Shareholder Benefits Information Catalog is scheduled to be posted in August 2024.

Stock holding period

The holding period is determined based on the shareholder register as of the end of May each year.
The holding period is the period during which the same shareholder number is recorded as the shareholder number recorded in the shareholder registry for the first time.
Specifically, the holding period is as shown in the table below.

Date of first registration in the shareholders' register

As of the end of May 2024

As of the end of May 2025

From June 2023 to the end of May 2024


From June 2021 to the end of May 2023

From June 2020 to the end of May 2021

Before the end of May 2019

×: Corresponds to a shareholder with a holding period of less than 1 year.
○: Corresponds to a shareholder with a holding period of 1 year or more and less than 5 years.
◎: Applicable to shareholders with a holding period of 5 years or longer.

Vesting Date

May 31st

Shipment of the Catalog

We send out the catalogs around late August every year.

Vesting of Shareholder Benefits

You need to be listed or registered on the last shareholder registry at the end of May every year. Please note that you need to purchase the stocks within three working days before the vesting date.